    摘 要:白描文化在中国传统文化中占有举足轻重的作用,其线作为绘画造型的重要手段一直被美术家赋予更多的情感,在借线抒发情感的基础上进行了创新。线条的力量与表现成为画家们的不懈追求,一个没有力量的线条,就如同人没有骨架的支撑软绵绵的立不起来,所以画好线条不但是一个画家功力的体现,而且也是画面的精气神所在。37842
    毕业论文关键词:画圣 吴带当风 线描艺术
    “Excellent drawing skills and elegant style”
    ---Discussion on the artistic charm of Wu Daozi
    Abstract:Baimiao culture in Chinese traditional culture occupies an important role, the line as an important means of painting shape has been artists gave more emotional, carried out on the express emotional through line based on innovation. Lines of force and performance become the relentless pursuit of the artists, a no power lines, as the support of colleagues without the skeleton of the soft can not stand up, so draw lines not only the embodiment of a painter's skill, but also the uniqueness of the screen where.
    Baimiao painting of China is broad and profound, is known as the representative of the traditional Chinese painting master. Wu Daozi formed a unique style of his own thing ", the effect of a thing to the traditional Chinese painting line drawing is great. Wu Daozi was later called the" Hua Sheng ", the painting the lines of different combinations and emotion, and smart pen manipulation perfect combination together, the different creation style and artistic expression, perfect to show up, but also reflects the highest achievement of Chinese traditional religious painting, the unique style of painting the traditional Chinese painting towards a higher level.
    Keywords:Painting Sage  excellent drawing skills and elegant style  the art of line drawing 
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