    毕业论文关键词:    3D游戏;Unity3D;游戏制作;C#代码实现
    Based on the Unity of the 3D Game "pledge the Sword of the King" Design
    Abstract:     At present, with the rapid development of game industry, game design and development has become a new and great potential for industry。Among them, 3D game is the best picture, one of the types of high technical content, of the type of RPG game is also one of the most popular type. Subject based on the Unity3D, RPG 3D game design and development, aimed at studying the basis of this kind of game design thinking and method, the mastery of the basic process and game production. Thesis first an overview of the development and design for the game, simply introduced the significance and development prospect of RPG game. Secondly to make software Unity3D for simple introduction, and then introduces the whole process of RPG games, including design and using the Unity3D game and other 3D software to map the scene design, material production, interface design, scripting, etc., including scripting is a key part of the game, also I want to tell you more about the part .In scripting using C # to write the computer language is also making games mainstream language. Subject to obtain knowledge and improve ability for the purpose, to be familiar with the game development process, some functions may not be perfect, all these need further design and improve in the future.
    Keywords:    3D Game; Unity3D; Game production; C# Code implementation
    摘要    i
    Abstract    i
    目录    iii
    1    绪论    1
    1.1    UNITY3D介绍    1
    1.1.1    Unity3D特色    1
    1.1.2    Unity3D界面操作    2
    1.2    C#脚本语言介绍    4
    2    游戏策划    5
    2.1    游戏的简要介绍    5
    2.2    游戏场景素材设计    5
    2.2.1    建模    5
    2.2.2    模型UV展开    6
    2.2.3    贴图绘制    7
    2.3    地形设计    9
    2.3.1    创建地形    9
    2.3.2    地形编辑工具    9
    2.3.3    模型的导入    10
    3    游戏设计与实现    11
    3.1    游戏登陆界面设计    11
    3.1.1    实现镜头缓慢拉近的效果    11
    3.1.2    界面GUI设计    11
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