    毕业论文关键词:生态公园 生态修复 景观设计
    Landscape design of Sanjiang Changzhou mouth Park -- the design of ecological restoration
    Abstract:With the acceleration of the urbanization, the recovery, renewal and reuse of industrial wasteland become the inevitable choice of the city construction.With the acceleration of the urbanization and the transformation of economic structure, a lot of industrial land is left in the city.These sites there are different degrees of pollution or environmental problems and site of the fading to the construction of urban human settlement environment brought no small trouble, industrial wasteland restoration, update, recycle become the inevitable choice of the urban construction. Sanjiang Changzhou mouth Park Block by chemical plant production, soil pollution is serious; sparsely populated, land large bare. As one corner of Changzhou City, Sanjiang Changzhou park should use its local resources to complete the ecological restoration design, so as to achieve the purpose of ecological restoration.. The ecological restoration design of the Changzhou Sanjiangkou park design is a based on ecological restoration of landscape planning and design, design from the city abandoned ecological reconstruction of understand to the abandoned urban ecological restoration is different from general urban greening and landscape construction through the study of ecology, landscape science and other related knowledge. Attention is the respect to the original habitat and on natural principles of respect, with the concept of sustainable development as a guide, ecological restoration design, can include ecological waterscape design, rainwater recycling utilization, ecological restoration of soil, transformation and reuse of the original building sketch etc.
    Key Words:Ecological park;Ecological restoration;Landscape design.
    目  录
    1 引言 5
    2 项目研究背景、意义 6
      2.1 研究背景 6
      2.2 研究目的与意义 6
    3 基地现状分析 7
      3.1 区位概况 7
      3.2 周边环境分析 7
    4 设计思想与设计方法 8
      4.1 国内外相关案例 8
      4.2 设计目的 8
      4.3 设计原则 9
      4.4 设计方法 9
    5 生态修复设计 9
      5.1 生态水景设计 9
         5.1.1水系分析  9
    5.2建筑与园林小品 10
    5.3生态植物设计 10
    6 结束语 10
    致谢 11
    参考文献 11
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