    Imaging equipment and printing equipment  Canon theme pavilion design brand display design
    Abstract: With the rapid development of the times, the public's demand for the theme pavilion is increasing, and people's understanding of the display is also changing with the world shaking..
    The viewer has completely not only satisfied with the passive acceptance of a single old display mode, more is the need for more personalized and user-friendly interactive design. Modern exhibition design exhibition can not rely solely on exhibits display and decoration, and should pay attention to space, exhibits, and visitors to the three between relations and emphasize the visitors to visit in the process of experience, participation, communication and audience feedback information. So the application of the concept of interaction in the display of the design trend of upward trend.
    Display of a modern scientific knowledge communication model has the breakthrough change, use of various forms, combined with the reality of office and the use of the environment and of modern science and technology, high technology, virtual and real show theme. The audience has a fast and intuitive digital video experience. With the help of modern scientific and technological means, so that the audience to show that cognitive from the traditional LCD visual angle transformation for the persification of the tactile and visual feeling, the people from thinking feeling traction to experience.
    Keywords: Interactive design, Theme Pavilion
    一、绪论    4
    (一)本课题的设计目的与意义    4
    (二)国内外主题展发展及设计研究分析    4
    (三)论文采用的研究方法与手段    5
    (一)交互表现形式    5
    (二)调研小结    5
    三、佳能品牌展方案介绍    5
    1企业发展历史和特点    6
    2企业分析总结    6
    (二)设计定位与构想    6
    1.设计定位    6
    2.设计构想    6
    (三)设计简述与说明    7
    四、总结    11
    五、致谢    11
    751、参考文献    12
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