    摘要 西方绘画大师艺术上光彩夺目的成就,除了历史条件和个天赋异禀等原因之外,也无不与其对技法及材料精益求精的探索密切相关。他们之所以能够创造出史无前例、开一代先河的伟大作品。亦常常是借助于一种新媒介的使用和绘画技法上的革新。因此,对古代绘画大师的技法及材料的研究和探讨,不仅能从容地进行古典风格的绘画创作,实现传统色层语言的表达,而且对油画色层语言生命力的探索,使艺术作品具有永恒的审美价值具有积极作用。
    关键词: 媒介剂   坦培拉   蛋—油混合技法  一次性画法  罩染  尼德兰画派    佛罗伦萨画派    威尼斯画派   安特卫普画派
    European masters’ glorious achievements in art are not only based on their historic conditions and their gifts, but also their excelsior pursuit on technique and material. The reason why they could create the unprecedented and pioneering masterpieces is usually connected to the innovation in new medium and painting technique. Therefore, the research on ancient painting masters’ painting techniques and material can enable us to paint classic style paintings and express the traditional color language; meanwhile, the search into oil painting’s color life plays an important role in promoting artistic masterpieces’ eternal aesthetic value.
    The paper mainly researches into western classic painting from the aspects of medium evolution, technique application, color language and aesthetic value. By researching into painting technique system and material adoption of the Netherlandish School, the Florence School, the Venetian School and the Antwerp  School, this paper discovers that masters from South School and North School, while developing and improving oil painting techniques, consummated the classic painting material. The color language formed by the application of material feature and painting technique not only painted the objective world vividly, but also brought unique visional charm and attraction.
    Key Words:  Mediums   Tempera   Egg and Oil Hybrid Painting Technique   Alla Prima   Glazing   The Netherlandish School   The Florence School   The Venetian School   The Antwerp School
    引言     1
    一、    扬•凡•艾克和尼德兰画派技法     1
    二、    达•芬奇和意大利佛罗伦萨画派技法    4
    三、    提香和意大利威尼斯画派技法     5
    四、    鲁本斯和佛兰德斯画派技法    6
    五、    结论     9
    致谢    10
    注解      11
    参考书目    13,3759
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