    摘要:    本次的课题是主题餐厅的网上宣传短片,首先研究国内外FLASH动画以及宣传短片的现状、发展水平和发展趋势与前景。然后对宣传片的设计,规划以及设计的可行性,宣传片所要表达的主题提出了我自己的看法。在宣传短片的设计过程中,经过多店面的实地观看和取材,选择出我所要的素材,并且进行修正排列,并且确定了主题与主体的结构层次。在此之外我也观看和收集了不少FLASH的动画视频,作为这次课题的参考资料。确定完主体风格和结构后,我便开始了短片的制作。首先是使用AE制作了宣传短片的片头部分。通过导入的形式将片头导入FLASH中。其次主题部分使用FLASH进行制作,大部分是图片加入位置偏移,特效效果等,使得静态的图片呈现动态的效果。然后在结尾做一小部分的交互效果,体现以下FLASH的交互功能。交互功能的制作依赖AS语言对按钮的控制。其中图片的修饰,我使用的是Photoshop进行。21636
    毕业论文关键词:    主题餐厅;FLASH;宣传短片;
    Theme restaurant online promotional video design
    Abstract:     This topic is the theme restaurant online promotional video, first study the level and trend of development status, development and Prospect of domestic and foreign FLASH animation and propaganda film. Then the design of the publicity, planning and design feasibility, my own opinion propaganda film to express the theme of the present. In the design process of the promotional video, after many store field to watch and material selection, I want the material, and the revised arrangement, and to determine the structure and the main theme. In addition to that, I also watch and collected a lot of FLASH animation video, as this topic reference. To determine the finished body style and structure, I began the short films. The first is the use of AE made the announcement of the head part. Through the introduction of the titles into FLASH. The second theme part uses FLASH to manufacture, most of image is added to the position deviation, special effects, which makes the static pictures present a dynamic effect. Then do the interactive effect of a small part at the end, interactive function is reflected in the following FLASH. To make interactive function depends on the control button on the AS language. The pictures decorate, I use is Photoshop.
    Keywords:    Theme restaurant; FLASH; Promotional video;
    摘要    i
    Abstract    i
    1    绪论    1
    1.1    国内外宣传短片的发展现状趋势以及前景。    1
    1.2    FLASH宣传片发展前景    2
    1.3    主题餐厅    3
    2    分析    5
    2.1    FLASH宣传短片的规划分析    5
    2.1.1    FLASH宣传短片的结构规划    5
    2.1.2    FLASH宣传短片的片头规划    5
    2.1.3    FLASH宣传短片的内容规划    5
    2.1.4    FLASH交互界面的设计    6
    2.2    本次FLASH宣传短片的构思    6
    2.3    开发工具的选用和介绍    7
    2.3.1    FLASH的介绍    8
    2.3.2    PhotoShop的介绍    8
    2.3.3    Adobe After Effects的介绍    11
    3    设计    12
    3.1    片头设计    12
    3.2    宣传片内容设计    12
    3.2.1    基础层的制作    12
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  2. 下一篇:Virtools虚拟店铺展示系统设计+文献综述
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