    关键词:    第一人称射击游戏;Unity3D;游戏引擎
    “Blood and Glory”Game Design Based on Unity Engine
    Abstract: The topic choose Unity3D engine software, to study how to make a playability first-person shooting game, name of the game is called "Blood glory." Select Unity3D main purpose of this software to produce because Unity3D can make work more quickly realize, as starting a new game engine, it is suitable for the graduation project. Paper describes the use of illustrations of the way, allowing the reader to understand the subject content more intuitive. At the same time get some conclusion, now first-person shooting games in the market nowadays is very popular game, these games are often able to give players a more realistic gaming experience, be able to get more people of all ages.At last,part of the game functions and scripts may be relatively simple and monotonous, more game functions may require further research to improve the game's design in the future.
    Keywords:    First-person Shooting Game ; Unity3D ; Game Engine
    摘要    i
    Abstract    i
    目录    ii
    1    绪论    1
    1.1    课题的目的和意义    1
    1.2    UNITY的国内外研究现状与水平    1
    1.3    UNITY的发展水平    1
    1.4    UNITY3D相关术语介绍    2
    1.5    调研情况    3
    1.6    制作环境的介绍    3
    2    分析    5
    2.1    整体框架结构    5
    2.2    基础功能系统    6
    2.3    高级功能系统    6
    2.4    设计主要难点    6
    3    设计    8
    3.1    基于UNITY3D的FPS游戏的实现    8
    3.2    游戏系统的简要介绍    8
    3.3    游戏场景的搭建    8
    3.3.1    使用3dsMax进行建模    9
    3.3.2    骨骼模型的实现    12
    3.3.3    3ds Max中贴图的烘焙    14
    3.4    使用UNITY3D进行场景的完善    15
    3.4.1    Unity3D的模型导入    15
    3.4.2    灯光的添加    15
    3.4.3    Terrain的应用    16
    3.4.4    第一人称控制器的添加    16
    3.4.5    Skybox的添加    17
    3.4.6    碰撞检测    17
    3.4.7    粒子效果的应用    17
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