    毕业论文关键词: 村民公园;生态自然;人文保护;体验农村
    The landscape design of Xiejia Road village park
    Abstract:By the accelerated development of urban and rural infrastructure,Park gradually walk from city into the countryside. The village park, as a new type of garden category, using natural, to keep the original drawing more naturally and simply. It is not only for visitors to rest and recreation place, also accord with the local culture. With the constant development of the industrial society, the national culture has been gradually forgotten. Every village has its special customs and culture, which need people to take some measures to preserve the cultural heritage.
    The planning design adopts the investigation and analysis research, methods of literature and theory study. Combine ecology, landscape ecology, landscape planning and design of multiple disciplines as basis to analyze the current situation systematically. And combined with the local environment to design the park.which is suitable for the local humanities. To build a public place for rural villagers where they can experience leisure, spread the local history and culture.
    Keyword: village park; ecological natural; cultural protection; experience rural
    1 引言  3
    1.1设计依据 3
    1.2设计原则 3
    1.3设计目的 4
    2 背景资料与理论基础4
    2.1 背景资料  4
    2.2 理论基础  5
    3 基地现状  6
    3.1区位概况 6
    3.2基地调研 6
    4 设计理念与目的  7
    4.1设计理念 7
    4.2设计目标 7
    5 设计手法与表现  8
    5.1设计内容 8
    5.1.1总图部分 8
    5.1.2分项部分 8
    5.2设计方法 9

    6 结束语  10                                                              
    1.1 设计依据
    《公园设计规划》CJJ 48—92
    《城市绿地设计规范》GB 50420-2007
    1.2 设计原则
    1.2.1 园林景观设计
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