    The design of Xiamen Children’s Park’s building、sketch and the planning of the landscape
    Abstract:The project is a comprehensive landscape planning and design of Xiamen Children’s Park. The size of its construction is about 13 hectares which is a open municipal park that consist of the popular science education、culture and entertainment、leisure fitness. The main service target is children. This article makes a complete analysis of the concept and function of the green ecological building.The buildings in the park strive to designed in the pursuit of the direction of saving the energy and resource,reducing pollution which considered as the core content of the sustainable development of the design.At the same time,on the basis of completely analyzing the concept and function of the sketch landscape, we focus on the characteristic and function of the sketch landscape in the garden. Besides,we put the main attention to the characteristic sketches of the sketch landscape,analyze its practical value in order to make the sketch landscape full of artistic charm and vitality.In order to inheriting the historical and cultural better,we build many historical corridor、historical landscape wall and historical museum.To teach the children and tourists through lively activities.
    Keywords: ecological building;  sketch landscape:historical inheritance

    目录    - 1 -
    1 引言    - 2 -
    1.1 项目意义    - 2 -
    1.2 区位概况    - 3 -
    1.3 基地调研    - 3 -
    2 设计理念与目标    -4 -
    2.1 设计理念    - 4 -
    2.2 设计原则    - 5 -
    2.2.1生态性原则    - 5 -
    2.2.2功能性原则    - 6 -
    2.2.3 文化原则    - 6 -
    2.2.4 人群参与原则    - 6 -
    3 设计说明    - 6 -
    3.1建筑及小品、设施景观规划设计    - 6 -
    3.1.1建筑设计理念    - 6 -
    3.1.2建筑风格    - 7 -
    3.1.3小品及设施景观    - 7 -
    3.1.4 小品功能    - 7 -
    4 结束语    - 8 -
    5 致谢    - 9 -
    6参考文献    - 10 -
     1 引言
    1.1 项目意义
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