





    In the joint efforts of the government and people of the South Korean film, film culture industry of South Korea in this era is wonderful. And in which, Park Chan wook as a South Korean film director, geeks, by virtue of the person for love of film art and continuous learning, he from a little-known small cost video director become South Korean film in the world a piece of calling card, and is constantly breakthrough self, try all types of movies, even open the door to Hollywood, with an international director for the target in the growing. 

    Seize the opportunity catapulted to fame after, park created a personal style of the road full of creation, as a set wrote, directed and edited three heavy identities in one of the film, he was able to completely control the entirety of the artistic style. From the beginning of the script, revenge, violence, sex as their film art elements in the show, with bold ceiling eye stories to tell the theme of criticism of human nature; and in the process directed, Park Chan wook is good at making unexpected plot and suspense let the audience deeply, using black color alternative long lens let the audience face real cold scenes of violence, reflections on violence behind the critical theme; in terms of the clip, park full of creative tactics make film suspense after another, through on different spatial and temporal switch clips firmly in the hands of the rhythms of the film and control to the psychology of the audience. 

    Due to the park of the plays of the deep to control and understand, to audiences in view of the level of shadow, inner master and feeling, and on the film's unique cognitive and full of dramatic audio-visual language, affirmed at the same time also in art harvest awards in international recognition in business, this for today's Chinese film, whether it is commercial road or the director creation itself has a positive influence and inspiration.

    Key words:South Korean director;Chan-wook Park;movie art style


    摘要 I


    绪论 1

    一、研究背景 1


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