    ABSTRACT In this paper, we talk about effect of the new media -weibo, and the difference between the new media and the traditional media. "Malaysia Airlines MH370 lost event " as the point,we found that when some news happened ,newspapers, television, radio as traditional media how to play a important role and how to effect the people events affect people opinion  in the weibo platform
      Based on the important communication tools of micro-blog, this is the basis of the Internet important communication tools, the micro-blog Internet users to explore the major news events of concern, how to find the development of news events from micro-blog
      Newspapers, television, radio, etc. as the traditional news media is how to influence the development of news events in the micro-blog platform pattern. And focus on discussing the public opinion of news, false news for Internet users, for the guidance of public opinion, government and weibo platform how to combat false news, reduce false news influence on public opinion, how to establish a set of effective strategies method, how to enhance the technical, the use of technical means to curb the spread of false news.
      Eventually . we focus on the weibo special system of the copyright protection and restriction under Internet. And I will put forward some proposals through exploring and analyze the protection of weibo platform.
    Key words: weibo;fake news;Malaysia Airline MH370
    目  录
    绪论    1
    第一章  微博    2   
       1.1微博的定义    2
    1.2微博传播机制的特点    2
    1.2.1碎片式的信息传播方式    2
    1.2.2开放性的互动交流模式    3
    第二章  微博传播对于新闻报道的影响    4
    2.1对网络新闻传播的影响    4
    2.2对于门户网站的影响    4
    2.3微博在新闻传播中所造成的舆论影响    4
    第三章  微博产生虚假新闻的原因    6
    3.1微博用户的复杂化,非专业化    6
    3.2传播力量的不平衡    7
    3.3微博审核制度的不完善    8
               3.3.1微博的匿名性    9
    3.3.2传统媒体的弊端    9
    第四章  马航MH370相关假新闻    10
        4.1假新闻的定义    10
        4.2马航MH370出现的假新闻回顾    10
    第五章  如何防范微博假新闻    12
        5.1与民航局合作,建立微博假新闻应急方案    12
        5.2加强对民航相关微博消息发布的监督    12
        5.3发挥民航领域专业人士在意见领袖中的作用    12
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