    关键词  选秀 中国好声音 营销策略 新思路
    Title    Marketing Strategy of Chinese good sound       
       In the media network is now evolving,,China talent show has changed from the original pure selection over to a similar to economic activity ,In this environment to survive, you must to adapt to this trend. And this paper mainly in such competition of China good voice the program as the research object, Well-known China good voice in China set off a frenzy, Led to the development of music show, get to many audience's affection and stands not for many years, and good sound this model also has been using for reference. But blind imitation is brought about by the huge potential crisis, and good sound itself is not only a little without faults, therefore this article study the good sound marketing strategies, tactics and the thought of the advantages of at the same time, also think the disadvantages of the model would be likely to produce, aimed at further summarizes China's good voice marketing idea, put forward the new train of thought on the development of music elective class program.
    Keywords  draft  China good voice  The marketing strategy  New ideas
    目  次
    1  绪论    1
    1.1研究的背景    1
    1.2研究的意义与目的    1
    1.3 研究的方法    2
    2  相关理论综述    2
    2.1 营销策略基本概念    2
    2.2 营销方式    2
    2.3 营销要点    3
    3  中国好声音的营销策略    3
    3.1 中国好声音节目介绍    3
    3.2 中国好声音模式的特点    3
    3.2.1 制播分离的制作特点    3
    3.2.2 阵容强大的导师团队    4
    3.2.3别出心裁的选拔方式    4
    3.3 中国好声音的营销策略    4
    3.3.1 广告营销    4
    3.3.2 事件营销    5
    3.3.3 线下互动营销    6
    4 中国好声音的成功之处及不足    6
    4.1 中国好声音的成功之处    6
    4.1.1 中国好声音彻底贯彻公正原则    6
    4.1.2 将外国文化本土化,创新化    7
    4.1.3 兼顾经典与创新的宣传方式    7
    4.2中国好声音存在的不足    8
    4.2.1 竞争中的巨大压力    8
    4.2.2 学员身份被质疑    8
    4.2.3 过于浓重的商业气息    9
    4.2.4 选手重复率高    9
    5  中国好声音发展的对策    9
    5.1 加入本土元素    9
    5.2 确保音乐纯粹    10
    5.3 给导师阵容注入新鲜血液    10
    致  谢    11
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