    关键词  微博 公共事件 舆论引导
    Title     The public opinion guidance of public events on micro-blog                                      
    Micro-blog, as a new kind of inpidual media, offers an interactive platform and a kind of social public opinion carrier. Since the birth of it,micro-blog occupied a position in emergency communication with its rapid dissemination of information,real-time communication,and easy interaction .
    This article studied the public opinion guidance of public events on micro-blog. Firstly,the research background and meaning of micro-blog was introduced,and the public opinion guidance mechanism of the micro-blog was studied.Secondly, the four aspects of micro-blog was analysed with a large number of cases, including the performance of micro-blog in public events, the influence, the advantages and the role of micro-blog on public opinion guidance. Finally, according to the challenge in leading the public opinion, the public opinion guidance of micro-blog was strategically studied in the different levels. This article aims at summing up the public opinion guidance strategies of micro-blog with the study of micro-blog in public opinion guidance, in order to make better use of micro-blog, the emerging media, to guide public opinion.
    Keywords  micro-blog   public events   opinionguidance

    目   次
    1  绪论1
    1.1  研究背景1
    1.2  国内外研究综述2
    1.3  研究方法与意义3
    1.4. 研究创新点和难点4
    2  微博的舆论引导机理5
    2.1  微博中的议程设置5
    2.2  微博中的意见领袖6
    3  公共事件中的微博舆论  7
    3.1  微博在公共事件中的表现7
    3.2  公共事件中微博的舆论影响  10
    3.3  微博在公共事件舆论引导中的优势和合理性  10
    3.4  微博在公共事件舆论引导中的作用  12
    4 公共事件在微博上的舆论引导面临的问题及引导策略 14
    4.1  公共事件在微博上的舆论引导面临的问题14
    4.2  公共事件在微博上的舆论引导策略15
    结论 18
    致谢 19
    参考文献 20
    1  绪论
    1.1 研究背景
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