随着网络视频业务的发展壮大,互联网已成为一个重要的影视剧播放平台,各大门户和视频网站在视频领域的竞争异常激烈,热门影视剧版权价格也随之水涨船高。高昂的版权购买费导致了巨大的运营成本。同时,网络视频同质化竞争严重,网站需要寻找差异化的竞争路线,提升原创能力。在这种竞争环境下,自制微电影则是一个很好的选择。 21152
关键词 微电影 网络 传播 广告 魔弹论 媒体渠道
Title Comparative Analysis Amid Film and Literature
Abstract Both literature and films can be a powerful teaching resource for audience learning about cultural norms and nuances in an inpidual's development. Trainees can learn about how people from specific cultures think and behave, and how this knowledge can be used to develop treatment plans. Of course, literature and films can only give some direction; further insight will come from discussion with communities and community leaders. Literature can, at times, have a fasci-nating connection with film. In some cases, it is evident that the two are intertwined in many more ways than the average person may realize. Whether it is a film or a piece of literature, both are written by someone that wants to impact readers or a viewing audience. With that being said, it is always a question of whether or not the author accomplished his or her goal and if the audience was impacted in the way he or she wanted. Is this intent prevalent to the audience and is the author’s intent predetermined before the film or book is taken in by the audience? How the author can shape the reader or viewer and whether or not they can interpret things for themselves is another factor that must be examined when trying to answer this question. Another question that is often thought of is how power is depicted through film or literature in terms of not only sex and gender, but in class, race, and nationality. In this paper has been tried to put answer to this question.
Keywords Literature, Film, Comparative Analysis
目 次
1 引言2
1.1 微电影的概念和属性3
1.2 微电影的特征4
1.2.1 篇幅短小精炼 4
1.2.2 年轻观众是主流受众•5
1.2.3 制作精良 情节取胜••6
1.2.4 取材亲民 草根文化••7
1.2.5 “魔弹论”的运用7
1.3 微电影的发展背景8
1.3.1 政策支持和保障••8
1.3.2 社会环境因素••9
1.4 微电影转型与广告模式 ••11
1.4.1 广告类微电影成为主力军12
1.4.2 广告类微电影案例分析••14
2 微电影产业以及营销模式 •14
2.1 微电影的产业结构•14
2.2 微电影广告定制现状••15
2.3 微电影产业的市场规模16
2.4 微电影公司实例17
3.1 微电影发展趋势研究••19
3.1.1 微电影制作培训逐渐正规化 19
3.1.2 制作剧本创作商业化 20
- 上一篇:新浪微博意见领袖的构成变化研究
- 下一篇:20世纪90年代后好莱坞电影中的华人形象变化与社会背景