

    毕业论文关键词  柔性颗粒  流动特性  生物质  Carr指数


    Title    Testing and Experimental Research      on Flow Characteristics of Flexible Particles                                                 

    Abstract The tests study uses the Bt-1000 powder characteristics tester, to test bean straw, rice husk powder, bagasse, sawdust and oak of these five biomass flexible particles flow characteristics and obtain 24-50 mesh and greater than 50 mesh groups parameters, combined with Carr index sheet analysis and calculation of the weighted flow parameters to obtain a sample of the liquid index and jet index to evaluate the flow characteristics of granular materials. Rigid particles with coal, food powder wheat starch and dry milk, as well as traditional Chinese medicine powder in horizontal compared to determine the strength of liquidity. The results showed that: When the mesh is 24-50 mesh, the liquidity and jet of rice husk powder are relatively good, the liquidity of softwoods and the jet of hardwood oak are relatively poor; The mesh is larger than 50 mesh, the liquidity of hardwood oak is better,the jet of bagasse and softwoods is poor; Compare softwood and hardwood alone in the same mesh, the liquidity of hardwood oak is better, however, the jet of softwoods is poor; In this experiment the range of mesh, flexible particle size smaller, that the larger the mesh number, the worse its flow properties, and the better its jet; In the same mesh, the pulverized coal flow characteristics illiquid than the test sample; Wheat starch and dry milk powder Compression Ratio was relatively large, so the liquidity of wheat starch and dry milk is relatively poor than the test sample; The liquidity of extract of refined coronary party , extract of orange peel and extract of licorice is relatively poor than the test sample; Three kinds of cellulose powder liquid medium, the flow over the test sample is better.

    Keywords  Flexible particles  Flow characteristics  Biomass  Carr Index

    1  绪论   1

    1.1  国内外现状与分析   2

    1.2  课题研究内容   3

    1.3  选题意义及研究目的   4

    2  流动性介绍   5

    2.1  表征方法   6

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