


    Abstract: The time designs relay protection system of secondary circuit in a total installed capacity of 700MW power plant. Generating sets include 2 units of 200MW, 1 unit of 300MW. The plant has 35kV and 220kV two levels of pressure voltage, maximum transmission power is 700MW. The voltage through primary 35kV booster and secondary 220kV booster, then through the high tension line transfers to nearby 220kV substation. 220kV bus bar uses double busbar connection mode, 35kV busbar uses single busbar connection mode. The time designs the electrical part of the power plant project, mainly including relay protection of secondary circuit design. Besides, it also designs the power plant's main electrical wiring, the relationship between the power grid, short-circuit current and auxiliary power system layout. The relay protection system of secondary circuit research main includes relay protection design of Generator circuit, relay protection design of transformer circuit, the relay protection of transmission line design.  

    Key words: The power plant, the two type microcomputer protection system, the design of relay protection

    目  录

    1  绪论 3

    1.1  电厂设计背景 3

    1.2  电厂的规模 3

    1.3  该电厂设计的范围 4

    2  发电厂设计的基本理论 5

    2.1  电气主接线 5

    2.2  短路电流计算 6

    2.3  一次设备的选择 8

    2.4  防雷设计 8

    2.5  导线的选择 10

    2.6  接地设计 10

    2.7  厂用电的设计 10

    3  发电厂二次回路的继电保护设计 11

    3.1  发电厂二次回路继电保护系统 11

    3.2  电厂继电保护作用的对象 12

    3.3  发电机的继电保护 13

    3.4  变压器的继电保护 15

    3.5  高低压母线的继电保护 21

    3.6  线路快速切断保护 22

    3.7  继电保护装置选择 24

    总    结 26

    参考文献 27

    1  绪论

    1.1  电厂设计背景


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