    关键词: 天然水合物  光透过率  光电检测  光电转换 单片机
    Title  Design of the Natural Gas Hydrate Light Transmittance Detection  system                                    
    Natural gas hydrate is referred to as "the energy of future" which is paid more and more attention in the recent years. The phase change of it can affect the light-transmittance which can be used to detect the generation of it. In this dissertation, The detecting system of light-transmittance is designed for this. It consists of  source: the maximum power up to 100W, white light optical cold light source brightness adjustablethe light signal receiving end: using convergent beam, optical signal receiving as much as possible, in order to meet the requirements of the photoelectric conversion the photoelectric conversion circuit: a dual structure in the measurement of the transmission light intensity detection, at the same time, measuring the reference light to compensate the fluctuation of the light source, so as to compensate the effect of light source fluctuation on test results within a certain range.the signal collection and processing: signal processor AT89C51, A/D convertor, and LCD display.
    Keywords   natural gas hydrate   light transmission rate   photoelectric detection   The photoelectric conversion    Single chip microcomputer
    目   录
    1  绪论    1
    1.1  研究背景及意义    1
    1.2  研究现状    1
    1.3  本文研究内容    1
    2   系统设计    3
    2.1光电检测系统设计    3
    2.1.1  光源的选择    3
    2.1.2  光信号接收端的设计    4
    2.1.3   光电转换电路设计    4
    2.2 单片机数据收集和处理    5
    2.2.1 单片机功能介绍    5
    2.2.2 单片机硬件设计    5
    结论    12
    致谢    13
    参考文献    14
    附录1    16
    附录2    18
    1  绪论
    1.1  研究背景及意义
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