
    (27) Conserved are the hydrophobic interactions with the piperidinering of Trp90, hydrogen bonds between C16=O and Tyr113−OH andbetween C1=O and Ile87−NH, a dipolar contact between C1 andTyr113−OH, as well as aromatic hydrogen bonds with Tyr57, Phe67,
    Phe130, and C17=O.
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    (29) For the [4.3.1]bicycle, an additional conformation with an O1−C1−C2−N7 dihedral angle of 144° is possible. Modelling studiessuggested that this endoconformation is less stable by 2.5 kcal/molcompared to the exoform due to repulsions between C4 of the piperidinering and C9 of the linker (Figure 5d).
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