    本文本论文从图像处理方法的角度对红外图像中弱小目标的检测进行了研究, 分析了噪声、背景和目标的图像特征。在单帧图像目标检测方面提出了基于背景预测的检测方法。所有的分析都结合了实际的红外图像进行仿真实验,并从实验结果验证了各种算法的优异特性和各种结论。10708
    关键词  红外  弱小目标  检测  背景预测
    Title  The study of target detection technique in infrared images under                    
     complex background                                        
    Infrared imaging technology works by receiving targets’ infrared radiation passively. It has such advantages as long operating range, convenience for hiding, and ability to work double tides. Under complex background, infrared targets have their own characteristics which make the detection work become quite difficulty. Therefore, the detection of infrared target under complex background is challenging research topics, and an in-depth study of them has crucial theory meaning and practical values.
    This paper study the detection of the small and dim targets in the infrared images from the view of image processing , analysis the imagery characteristics of noise, background and target. Detecting algorithm based on background prediction is introduced for the target detecting in single image. All of the analysis are carried on the emulation experiment with the real infrared images, and are verified the excellent characteristics of various algorithms and conclusions from the experimental result.
    Keywords  Infrared        small and dim target        detection  
    background prediction
    目   次
    1  引言 1
    1.1  红外成像系统与红外目标检测及难点 1
    1.2  红外目标检测的研究目的和意义 4
    1.3  国内外研究现状 5
    1.4  论文结构 8
    2  红外弱小目标的特性分析 9
    2.1  红外图像模型 9
    2.2  实际图像背景分析10
    2.3  噪声分析 11
    2.4  红外弱小目标分析 12
    3  基于局域背景预测的红外弱小目标检测方法 15
    3.1  背景预测的基本模型 15
    3.2  基本背景预测算法 19
    3.3  最佳权重背景预测法 25
    结论  29
    致谢  30
    参考文献 31
    1  引言
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