



    毕业论文关键词  连续波  多普勒雷达  测速  测距  测向


    Title    Research of continuous wave Doppler radar range     And direction finding technology                                               


        The traditional continuous wave Doppler radar can only be used to measure the speed of the target.Doppler ranging and direction-finding by measuring the rate of change of the Doppler frequency of different periods.But actual Doppler frequency change constantly and according to the change of the Doppler frequency , target distance and direction can be calculated using mathematical methods.

        Continuous wave radar can provide higher accuracy information of speed and distance in a short-distance applications.In the short-range radar system or secondary radar , continuous wave radar has the unique advantage compared to pulse radar.Especially ,with the development of solid-state microwave devices in today's world , the use of continuous wave radar to make the radar more simple.

        According to the continuous wave radar working principle, the main content of the paper as follows:First,continuous wave radar ranging and ranging accuracy improvement;Second,continuous wave radar speed measurement and velocity accuracy improvement;Third,continuous wave radar positioning direction. To obtain the distance and direction of the target by mathematical methods.Conducting simulations to get results of a target with a certain distance and speed.

    Keyword  Continuous wave  Doppler radar  Velocity measurement  Ranging  Direction finding. 


    1  绪论 1

    1.1  引言 1

    1.2  发展过程 2

    1.3  研究的意义 3

    1.4  本文主要任务 3

    2  测速技术的研究 5

    2.1  多普勒效应 5

    2.2  多普勒雷达测速 7

    2.3  小结 10

    3  测距技术的研究 11

    3.1  目标距离的测量 11

    3.2  多普勒相位法测距 13

    3.3  双频比相测距方法 17

    3.4  多频比相测距方法 20

    3.5  机载测距

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