


    毕业论文关键词  微带天线  平面天线  宽频带


    Title  Study on broadband microstrip antenna technology


    In recent years,due to the development of communication systems in the trend of miniaturization,large capability,multi-function and intelligence,the research of multi-frequency and broadband microstrip antenna has become a hot point. Microstrip antenna has a lot of merits such as little volume,light in weight,easily conformity with carrier,good compatibility with integrate circuit,easy batch production,so it is connected with broad application in several decades. But it is a mostly disadvantage that has rather narrow frequency strip. First of all,the history and the advantages and disadvantages of the microstrip antenna are introducted in this article. In addition,a brief description of the microstrip antenna research is gived. Then focus on finding out the technical level and classification of the planar broadband antenna,by analyzing and comparing. From the theoretical model to applications,classifying the different forms of broadband planar antenna and predicting the technical parameters,the process structure and the development trends of the broadband planar antenna.

    Keywords: Microstrip antenna  Planar antenna  Broadband;


    1  绪论 1

    1.1  概述 1

    1.2  微带天线的研究现状 2

    1.3  宽带微带天线 3

    1.4  本文的工作 4

    2  平面宽带天线的研究背景和意义 5

    2.1  平面天线的实现 5

    2.2  平面天线的宽带化 5

    2.3  平面天线的小型化 6

    2.4  天线效率的改善 6

    2.5 本章小结 6

    3  平面宽带天线分类 7

    3.1  行波天线型 7

    3.2  频率无关天线 8

    3.3  多模谐振型天线 9

    3.4总结归纳 12

    4  各类典型平面宽带天线 14

    4.1  平面螺旋天线 14

    4.2  平面对数周期天线 17

    4.3  Vivaldi天线 19

    5平面宽带天线的应用 23

    5.1 RFID标签天线 23

    5.2 MEMS 天线

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