

    毕业论文关键字  激光测距机   能量测试  激光能量计  串口通信


    Title    The Design of Laser Rangefinder Energy Test System                     


    This paper mainly introduces the laser rangefinder machine Energy Test system's main several modules and constitute, the namely the use of optical instrument by the build's basic optical path, will carry out attenuation etc. The second module is the energy detect data 's processing and display module,  the module is the use of serial communication technology, through VC++ programming achieve the right energy of test data's timing acquisition, and real-time ground be displayed. Firstly, from the band, introducing laser principle and laser generation condition, and then from the laser application highlights the laser ranging of the two  methods . Thereby come out of pairs of laser energy of the test problems of the discussed. From the traditional way based on calorimetric of energy measurement to start, introduced the project of the energy test system and subject to separate introduces the every a components principle and structure ,Finally by the hardware modules go to software part, by the serial communication to start, Introducing to achieve pairs of laser energy's real-time acquisition with the display processing. Some software aspects of the the problem, by the experimental results prove procedures be able to well realize the pairs of laser rangefinder machine energy of of the test and its treatment.

    Keywords  Laser rangefinder  Energy Test  Laser energy meter  Serial communication


    1 引言 1

    1.1 激光的原理 1

    1.1.1 激光的基础知识 1

    2 激光测距的原理 5

    2.1 脉冲法 5

    2.2 相位法 7

    3 激光能量测试单元 8

    3.1  激光能量计 8

    3.2  全反射1.06um激光的平面分光镜 12

    3.3  双凸聚光透镜 12

    3.4  衰减片 12

    3.5 光学暗箱 13

    4 软件实现单元 15

    4.1 串口通信 15

    4.2 RS-232 17

    4.3 握手 18

    4.4 运用MFC进行编程实现串口通信

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