



    毕业论文关键词  宽带技术,宽带滤波器,平行耦合线,信号干扰技术


    Title    High selectivity wideband filter based on signal- interference  concept                                          

    Abstract With the rapid development of wireless communication industry, the limited frequency spectrum is required to pide into more bands to meet the needs of a variety of communication services. As a frequency-selective device, the filter is essential to the performance of the communication system. In recent years, the wideband technology has received a lot of attention due to the short-range wireless communications. Therefore, the research on wideband filter has a very important significance.

    Recently, with the implementation of the filter bandwidth requirements, wideband filter also develops toward miniaturization and wide band rejection performance. The design of wideband filter using signal-interference concept has a lot of advantages, such as simple design, high selectivity and compact structure, etc. The research in this thesis is focused on the high-selectivity wideband filter based on signal-interference concept.

    In this thesis, the current research of wideband filter around the world has been reviewed and analyzed firstly. Different methods to design wideband filters have also been compared with each other. Then, the microwave filter performance indexs and design methods are proposed. Intense research for the parallel coupled line structure and its parameter matrix has been given. Finally, the basic theory of signal-interference and its simplified circuit model have been analyzed. And a wideband filter based on signal-interference using parallel coupled line has been designed, analyzed and simulated. Good agreement between the simulation and measurement has been observed, indicating the validity of the proposed design strategies.

    Keywords  wideband technology, wideband filter, parallel coupled line, signal-interference technology

    目   次

    1 绪论    1

    1.1 课题研究背景   1

    1.2 国内外研究现状   1

    1.2.1 平面宽带滤波器的研究现状  .. 1

    1.2.2 信号干扰技术在滤波器中的应用. 3

    1.3 本文的主要工作和章节安排 . 5

    2 滤波器基本理论  6

    2.1 滤波器的功能和基本类型 .. 6

    2.2 滤波器主要设计指标 . 6

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