
    摘要本文研究的是微带天线的设计,讨论了矩形微带天线工作原理、结构及其应用。Ansoft HFSS13的使用是本设计研究的重点,它适用于射频/无线通信天线及其他任意形状三维电磁场仿真。HFSS是业界公认的三维电磁场标准仿真软件包,它提供了简洁直观的用户设计界面、精确自适应的场求解器,拥有空前电性能分析能力的功能强人后处理器,能计算任意形状三维无源结构的S参数和全波电磁场。64585



    毕业论文关键词: 微带天线; HFSS软件;仿真



    The basic operation principle,structural characteristics and application of the rectangular microstrip antenna are discussed. The emphasis of study is how to use the software of Ansoft HFSS12 and 3D (three-dimensional) electromagnetic simulator which is used in RF/wireless communication antennas, packages and photoelectron designs. HFSS is a well-known standard 3D electromagnetic simulator. It provides a simple designing interface and an accurate sell-adapted field solver, which also has a powerful backup processor for unique electricity analysis. It can compute the S-parameters and full-wave electromagnetic of various structures.

    At this thesis, the design formulas of rectangular microstrip patch antenna are involved.

    According to the design formula, the initial parameters of 2.4GHz rectangular microstrip patch antenna are calculated. But there are a little difference between the initial parameters and the real antenna parameters so that the initial parameters should be rectified. The antenna's model is set up in HFSS which is electromagnetic simulation software. The antenna's radiating character is simulated by HFSS, so we can adjust the antenna's parameters until its radiating character fits in with the designing demands. The antenna's optimization parameters are gained in this way.

    The simulation result indicates that the microstrip antennas deigns have good radiation characteristics and impedance characteristics。

    Keywords  Microstrip antenna,HFSS software,Simulation


    1  绪论 1

    1.1  论文的研究背景及意义 2

    1.2 微带天线的发展和研究现状 3

    1.3 论文的主要内容 3

    2  天线的分类及特性参数 4

    2.1  天线的分类 4

    2.2  天线的主要特性参数 5

    2.2.1 方向图 5

    2.2.2 方向系数 5

    2.2.3 天线的效率 5

    2.2.4 天线的增益及增益系数 5

    2.2.5 天线的阻抗特性

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