
    摘要引言——为了改善传统导线电路电能传输的弊端,更加方便充电,设计出了一种基于近距离无线电能传输原理的传输系统。通过电磁感应耦合与电子电力技术,实现无线充电的可能。自电磁感应现象及导线可以传输电能被人类发现至今,电能的传输主要是由导线直接接触进行输送的,但是这种方式在使用上存在接触火花和不安全裸露导体引起触电等安全隐患而且受到线路的局限性,而感应电力传输技术可以弥补这些不足。现代科学巨匠尼古拉·特斯拉就利用100mV,150kHz全向电磁辐射成功地点亮了两盏白炽灯,首次引入了无线输电的概念(Wireless Power Transmission ——简称WPT)。无线供电能够解放很多低功耗的设备对电缆和电池的依赖,大幅提高设备用电的安全性能、可靠性,同时电能将克服特殊地理环境传输,真正实现全球覆盖。而将电能传输到所用产品的新型技术,还可以为手提电脑等移动设备、电热水器、电动工具、照明、医疗等设备随时无线充电,本文研究了一种近距离无线电能传输系统,采用感应式电能传输技术对无线电能传输系统的发射、传输和接收模块进行分析与设计。64188

    毕业论文关键词  电磁感应 无线 感应 


    Title    Wireless charging technology design and research

    Abstract ++In order to improve the traditional drawbacks of power transmission wire circuit, charging more convenient to design an approach based on the principle of close range radio transmission system capable of transmitting. Since the phenomenon of electromagnetic induction and electric wires can be transmitted by humans found so far, energy transfer is mainly transported by the direct contact of the wire, but this way there is contact with a spark in the use of bare conductors and insecurity caused by electric shock and other safety hazards but also by the line limitations, the induced power transmission technology can make these gaps. Modern masters of science Nikola Tesla on the use 100mV, 150kHz Omni directional electromagnetic radiation successful location of two incandescent, first introduced the concept of wireless transmission (Wireless Power Transmission - referred WPT). Wireless power can liberate many low-power devices depends on the cable and battery, a substantial increase in electrical safety equipment performance, reliability, and energy will overcome the special geographical environment transmission, truly global coverage. While the energy transferred to the new technologies used in the product, but also that laptops and other mobile devices, electric water heaters, electric tools, lighting, medical equipment such as wireless charging at any time, In this paper, a short-range wireless power transmission system that uses inductive power transfer technology to transmit wireless power transmission systems, transmission and reception modules for analysis and design.

    Keywords  Electromagnetic  Wireless  Induction 

     1  绪论 1

    1.1  研究背景 1

    1.2  WPT的建立与Qi标准 1

    1.3  无线充电的方式 2

    1.4  无线充电的现状及部分成果 3

    1.5  国内外的发展 5

    1.6  无线充电前景展望 6

    1.7  无线充电的意义与影响 8

    1.8  无线充电面临的难题 9

    1.9  本文的工作 9

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