

    毕业论文关键词  振动信号 LabVIEW 预处理 频谱分析 信号时域积分 波形显示


    Title  Vibration  Signal  Analysis  and  processing  Based  on LabVIEW                                            

    Abstract In modern industrial machinery and mechanical engineering, the vibration test, signal processing and vibration analysis is a very important link. At the same time, along with the development of computer and software technique, virtual instrument is gradually become the development direction in the field of testing. This topic is to require the use of virtual instrument LabVIEW graphical programming language to realize the vibration signal analysis and processing, and give full play to the advantages of virtual instrument, in order to improve the development efficiency of dynamic signal analysis and processing. With the unique advantages of LabVIEW in the signal analysis, we can achieve arbitrary integer sampling point of spectrum analysis, which reduces the traditional sampling methods result in the spectrum leakage caused by the energy loss and further optimize the signal spectrum analysis results. This design using the LabVIEW to invoke MATLAB to do preprocessing for the vibration acceleration signal . By using their library function, the program make time domain integral for the processed signal to get velocity and displacement signal. And then, it makes spectrum analysis and waveform display for the acceleration, velocity and displacement signal.

    Keywords  vibration signal  LabVIEW  preprocessing  spectrum analysis signal integral on time-domain  waveform display

    目     次

    1. 绪论 1

    1.1研究背景和意义 1

    1.2 相关技术研究现状 1

    1.3论文的组织结构 3

    2. 方案论证及相关技术介绍 4

    2.1信号分析理论 4

    2.2方案论证与选择 6

    2.3 LabVIEW开发平台 7

    3. 信号处理VI设计 10

    3.1设计思路及方法选择 10

    3.2前面板设计 11

    3.3 后面板程序框图设计 13

    3.4 子VI设计 18

    4. 仿真结果及调试分析 27

    4.1 程序调试过程

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