





    Abstract Frequency selective surfaces(FSSs) are a typical periodic structure, and can be considered as spatial filters due to their special filtering properties. They have been widely applied in microwave, infrared and visible bands. In this thesis, research is is focused on the application of FSSs in the design of a folded Fresnel reflector antenna. Numerical simulation, theoretical analysis and experimental validation of the folded Fresnel reflector have been carried on. The specific research is listed as following:

    1.First of all, the FSS basic theory and applications are given out. And in the following part, the folded Fresnel reflector is introduced, including its operational principle and advantages. Then, the following details are listed briefly.

    2.In the second part, the theory of the Fresnel phase compensation is introduced, and a noval C-patch is proposed to provide appropriate phase compensation. From numerical analysis, it can be seen that the C-patch provide the phase compensation and rotates the incident polarization by 90°in order to ensure passage through the semi-reflecting grid. With the proposed C-patch, the design of a folded fresnel reflector at 94GHz is investigated.

    3.The parametric simlation of the C-patch is conducted, based on which theory analysis and researches on the choices of the C-patches are conducted. Then, the folded Fresnel reflector consisting of the designed C-patches is simulated by the software CST. In the last part, some theoretical methods of optimizing and correcting the designed folded Fresnel reflector are presented and researched.

    Keywords:Frequence selective surface(FSS), the folded Fresnel reflector, C-patch, phase compensation, polarization rotation.


    1  绪论 1

    1.1 频率选择表面概述 1

    1.2 频率选择表面的应用 2

    1.3 菲涅尔折叠反射器简介 3

    1.4 论文章节安排 4

    2  菲涅尔折叠反射器天线整体设计 5

    2.1  菲涅尔折叠反射器基本组成与工作原理 5

    2.1.1 菲涅尔折叠式反射器组成与工作原理 5

    2.1.2  初级馈源的设计与仿真 6

    2.1.3  栅格盖板的设计与仿真 7

    2.2  菲涅尔反射器的相位补偿理论 9

    2.3  C形片FSS的反射特性分析(工作原理和理论分析)

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