


    毕业论文关键词  气象传真图,数字图像,等值线,外推法,风速,位能 

    Title    The Extraction and Analysis of Weather Facsimile   Chart                                                 


    With the rapid development of computer technology,a combination of meteorological facsimile receiver system with digital image processing technology will be a important trend in weather analysis and forecasting . Using digital image processing technology can not only overcome these shortcomings, but also can increase the depth and breadth of weather fax map in the use of navigational and meteorological fields. Using all kinds of different methods analyse the processed meteorological facsimile map and calculate, we can gain the data needed in weather analysis and results.

    The following aspects are talked about in this paper: Combining with the characteristics of the meteorological facsimile maps,a method comnination of the connectent labeling and the tamplate matching is put forward to remove the noise figure in the meteorological facsimile maps; Different annotation information are removed differently based on their characteristics; The strikers have been extracted in the mereorological facsimile maps by identificating of triangulars and semi-circilars; Using the extrapolation method analyse weather facsimile map, make a forecast for a short period of time; Wind speed for the processed meteorological facsimile map is calculated and the corresponding application.

    Keywords  Weather Facsimile map, digital images, contours, extrapolation method, wind velocity, potential energy


    1 绪论 1

    1.1 研究背景及意义 1

    1.2 研究现状 2

    1.3 本文的主要内容和章节安排 3

    2  气象传真图的解读和预处理 4

    2.1气象传真图概况 4

    2.2 图像的读取和存储 6

    2.3气象图像的二值化处理 6

    2.4气象传真图的去噪 8

    2.5本章小结 12

    3 气象传真图中关键信息的提取 13

    3.1 气象传真图与底图的匹配 13

    3.2 气象传真图的图文分离 14

    3.3 气象传真图中锋线的提取 17

    3.4 本章小结 20

    4 气象传真图的分析和应用

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