
    摘要目前高压直流传输由于其在远距离,大容量输电中所拥有的优点,倍受电力工程业界的关注。可是在换流器这一大功率和非线性电力电子元件的引入而使系统产生大量的谐波。谐波的产生及危害谐波问题和无功功率问题对电力系统和电力用户都是十分重要的问题,也是近年来电力电子技术研究的热点之一。本文从双调谐滤波器和高通滤波器结构设计方面出发。双调谐滤波器不但能够同时滤去两个不同频率的谐波外,并且其中的一个谐振回路所要承受的电压强度比较低,与其它类似的滤波器相比,它投资少,经济性好。高通滤波器能够抑制能量小的谐波。双调谐滤波器与高通滤波器组合成一个整体,这样投资更少,经济性更好。 61663


    毕业论文关键词  双调谐带高通滤波器  暂态分析  matlab  阻抗频率特性


    Title      Double tuned band high-pass filter                   

    Abstract Currently HVDC transmission because of its long-range, high-capacity transmission medium have the advantage of much power engineering industry concerns. But in this high-power inverter power electronic devices and nonlinear systems into leaving a large amount of harmonics. Harmonic generation and hazards harmonic problems and reactive power problems of power systems and power users are very important issues, but also the power electronic technology in recent years, one of the hotspots. In this paper, double-tuned filter and high-pass filter design standpoint. Double-tuned filter not only two different frequencies simultaneously filtered harmonic outside, and one of the resonant circuit withstand voltage strength to be relatively low, compared with other similar filters, it has invested less, the economy is good. High-pass filter can be suppressed small energy harmonics. Double-tuned filter and high-pass filter combined into a whole, so that less investment, the economy is better.

    This article mentions double tuned filter and high-pass filter, and its characteristics and parameter setting methods were studied, using matlab its modeling and simulation, analysis of its transient characteristics and resistance to its filtering effect.

    Keywords  Double tuned band high-pass filter  Transient Analysis  Matlab  Impedance frequency characteristics

    1  绪论 1

    1.1  课题研究意义及其背景 1

    1.2  谐波的标准 3

    1.3  本文研究的主要内容和工作 4

    2  双调谐滤波器和高通滤波器的设计 5

    2.1  双调谐滤波器的设计 5

    2.2  高通滤波器的设计 7

    2.3  本章小结 10

    3  双调谐带高通滤波的设计 11

    3.1  双调谐带高通滤波的结构特性 11

    3.2  双调谐带高通滤波器主要参数的设定方法 11

    3.3  本章小结 11

    4  高压直流传输系统的谐波源 12

    4.1  仿真软件介绍 12

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