


    毕业论文关键词  红外图像;可见光图像;加权平均;图像融合;信息处理


    Title    Fusion Simulation of Infrared and Visible Image                     


    Infrared technology as a high-tech technology known to man has been used to explore the science and nature. And has been widely used in many fields of biology, medicine, military and living in. But because of the infrared radiation is more complex, and the influence factors of target infrared radiation are also many, the IR image definition image sharpness is greatly lower than visible light. In the use of infrared image processing problems, researchers often hope also refer to visible light and infrared two kinds of information. Image fusion technology can provide the infrared and visible light information processing, so that we can be more effective to understand the information of the image. This paper is the study of the infrared image and visible light image as the goal, through comparison and analysis of complexity and the effect on can make the algorithm and program the fusion image, and select a simple and convenient method from, and then through the C++ programming, finally get a relatively complete fusion system. 

    Keywords  infrared picture; visible image; information handing; method of weighted mean

    目  次

    1  绪论 1

    1.1  红外技术和图像融合技术的研究状况 1

    1.2  本文的主要工作 2

    2.  图像融合的概念及简单的图像融合 2

    2.1  图像融合 2

    2.2  图像融合的层次 3

    2.3  评价多传感器的图像融合效果的方法 5

    3  红外与可见光图像融合的常用算法 8

    3.1  小波变换融合法 8

    3.2  图像的空间域融合方法 11

    3.3  加权平均法 14

    4   基于Visual C++平台的图像融合仿真 16

    4.1  Visual C++图像融合仿真软件界面 16

    4.2  基于加权平均法的图像融合实验仿真结果 17

    4.3 小结 18

    结  论 19

    致  谢

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