


    Abstract:This paper described the synthetic aperture radar (SAR) point target imaging knowledge, briefly introduced the use of SAR in the military and civilian, and describes its imaging principles and characteristics. To illustrate the principle of SAR imaging, used the RD and CS two algorithms. When introducing the RD algorithm,established the signal model, and described it from three aspects, such as the distance of compression, the mobile calibration and orientation ,and give the flowchart of the modified RD algorithm and related methods; To introduce the CS algorithm, established the strabismus echo signal model, analysis the image of moving distance, and give the method steps of the improved CS algorithm, finally set the two imaging algorithms parameter and simulate them。

    Key words:SAR,the distance of compression,the distance,the mobile correction    


    1 绪论 5

    1.1 引言 5

    1.2 研究目的和意义 5

    1.3 发展历史及学术动态 5

    2 合成孔径雷达的应用 6

    2.1 引言 6

    2.2 合成孔径雷达在军事领域的应用 6

    2.3 合成孔径雷达在民用领域的应用 6

    3 合成孔径雷达成像的原理 7

    3.1 成像原理 7

    3.2 成像特性 7

    3.3 成像流程图 7

    3.4 SAR成像理论模型 8

    4 合成孔径雷达成像算法 9

    4.1 引言 9

    4.2 RD算法 9

    4.2.1 信号模型及分析 10

    4.2.2 距离压缩 11

    4.2.3 距离移动校正 11

    4.2.4 方位向压缩 13

    4.3 CS算法 14

    4.3.1 算法特点简介 14

    4.3.2 斜视SAR 回波几何模型 15

    4.3.3 距离移动分析 15

    4.3.4 CS算法实现流程图 16

    4.3.5 CS算法的改进 17

    5 MATLAB仿真 17

    5.1 RD算法仿真参数 17

    5.1.2 RD算法仿真结果 17

    5.2 CS算法 20

    5.2.1 CS算法仿真参数 20

    5.2.2 CS算法仿真结果

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