
    摘要电磁脉冲(Electromagnetic Pulse简称EMP),其时域波形具有陡峭且快速上升的前沿,频域波形覆盖范围宽。一般战场电磁脉冲伴随着核爆炸或者非核电磁脉冲弹(高功率微波弹)产生。电磁脉冲能在极短的时间内辐射出极高能量,对于依赖电子器件的设备和系统有着极大的威胁。本文通过理论计算、数值仿真以及实验等方法对强电磁脉冲环境的电磁脉冲信号进行了研究和测量。47869





    毕业论文关键词   强电磁脉冲环境   天线仿真计算    鞭状天线    测试系统


    Title    The research of a kind of strong electromagnetic pulse  environment test antenna                                              


    Electromagnetic Pulse(EMP) has steep front in the time domain,but with short duration.In the frequency domain,EMP covers a wide frequency band.The general EMP is produced by the nuclear explosion or the non nuclear EPB(High-power Microwave Bomb).The EMP can radiate very high energy in a short time,which causes great threat to devices and systems which depend on the electronic devices.In this paper,the theoretical calculation numerical simulation and experiments are done to study the strong electromagnetic pulse environment.

    First ,In this paper, the background of electromagnetic pulse technology is reviewed,and the importance of electromagnetic pulse testing technology is expounded by the development of modern electromagnetic pulse weapon.According to the research of the mature electromagnetic pulse testing technology,design and research of test system of electric field produced with EMP have been done.

        Secondly,theoretical study on the environment of strong electromagnetic pulse is completed and numeric analysis and theoretical arithmetic has been done.Protection of electronic system from EMP and test antenna technology is studied.A method to broad working band of EMP text system by simple antenna is raised.

        Finally,numerical simulation ,optimization and design have been done with HFSS.The value of text antenna which suit the strong electromagnetic pulse environment and a sheet of center frequency between 0.1GHz-1GHz of whip antenna are proposed .strong electromagnetic pulse environment test system has been designed and set up.Reliability of the text system in this paper is verified by practical application 

        In this paper,a text system of strong electromagnetic pulse environment and a method to design and text antenna are proposed,which do some help to the text of strong electromagnetic pulse environment

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