
    Abstract Adjustable regulated power supply is not reading the traditional simulation shows that at the time of reading is not very convenient, and in the case of use for a long time can cause the output voltage is not stable. New type of digital adjustable regulated power supply is used to compare the advanced digital display technology, the measurement results can be directly displayed, and the results of the measurement is the only, not only ensure the accuracy of the measurement results, but also in line with everyone's reading habits, greatly shortened the time reading. Simulation can be adjusted by the regulated power supply mostly adjust the resistance value of the potentiometer is used to change the desired output voltage, because the potentiometer to use for a long time is easy to wear, so after its use for a period of time can cause the result of poor contact, causes the output voltage is not accurate. And new type of digital display adjustable regulated power supply is to use the contact button to select the desired output voltage, and through digital tube can be very intuitive display output voltage, work is very stable and reliable. Numerical control regulated power supply based on MCU has the following characteristics: clear visuAl results, high precision, strong scalability, low prices, the characteristics of output voltage variable . 47540

    Keywords:  voltage numerical  control single  microcomputer  AT89C51 


    毕业论文关键词: 稳压  数控  单片机  AT89C51 

       目 录

      1 绪论 1

    1.1 数控电源背景及意义 1

    1.2 设计任务与要求 2

    1.3 方案论证 2

    1.4 系统时钟及复位电路 2

      2 系统总体设计 3

    2.1整机工作原理 3

    2.2各模块设计 3

    2.2.1 单片机电路 3

    2.2.2 D/A转换电路 7

    2.2.3 控制电路 9

    2.2.4 稳压电路 10

    2.2.5 整流滤波电路 12

    2.2.6 显示电路 12

    2.2.7 总电路 13

    3 系统流程与仿真结果 15

    3.1 流程图 15

    3.2 仿真结果 15

    4 总结与体会 18

      4.1 电路设计总结 18

    4.2 心得与体会

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