     ABSTRACT Solar energy is inexhaustible human renewable energy has an important role in the long-term energy strategy. The 5S management is a cornerstone of business survival and development, is a necessary prerequisite for enterprises bigger and stronger.
      In this paper, CSUN company solar cells prepared 5S management system for the study, I combined the actual work in the company and theoretical research, analyze the problems about the preparation of CSUN solar cells related substances management, identify 5S management prepared material influence each step of the solar cells and the impact on product quality, material management can make 5S combined with the actual situation of CSUN company, making the company more secure and more efficient production processes, product quality has improved significantly.
      This paper mainly 5S management workshop for production of chemicals, labor supplies, uniforms, and other items placed in terms of chemicals because of its specificity, the need to operate strictly in accordance with regulations, it is better placement, as long as the method is to use colored tape pasted to a predetermined specific location, receive, use of chemicals are required to wear special protective equipment, such as PVC, acid gloves, the paper has made detailed provisions to ensure the quality and efficiency of the staff and work safety.
    Key words:5S management; material management; solar cells prepared;
               product quality; production processes
    目  录
    第一章  绪论    1
    1.1 5S管理简介    1
    1.2 本次研究的背景与意义    2
    第二章  太阳能电池片制备工序简介    3
    2.1  前段工艺    3
    2.2  后段成品    4
    第三章 物质管理在太阳能电池片制备中的应用    6
    3.1  各个工序中的物质管理    6
    3.1.1前段工艺中的物质管理    6
    3.1.2后段成品中的物质管理    6
    3.2  物料仓库中的物质管理    8
    3.2.1化学品的物质管理    8
    3.2.2劳保用品的物质管理    10
    3.3  损坏废弃物料的物质管理    14
    3.4衣服管理    15
    第四章  本研究的改进与结果    15
    4.1  研究理论与方法    16
    4.2  实验成果    17
    结束语    18
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