



    关键词  时域有限元法,DG时域有限元方法,电磁辐射,HFSS


    Title  Analyze electromagnetic issues by DG  time-domain finite element method 


    Since the Maxwell equations were proposed, the investigations and implements of electromagnetic field theory has been an important program   for scientists. The theoretical model is more complicated    when it is applied to analyze or solve the complex         electromagnetic issues. When the analytic method of the classical electromagnetism is used to solve such issues, the large limitation of this method, which is hard to overcome, would be a large barrier for solving the electromagnetic issues. With the development of computer technology and the improvement of the computer software and hardware technology, the technologies of computer were implied in electromagnetism and the computer electromagnetism is developed.

    During the recent several decades, scientists have been reachingon the time-domain finite-element method-tdfem. The time-domain finite-element method-tdfem achieves the accurate simulation of complex geometric structure and inhomogeneous medium and figure out the broadband and electromagnetic properties of the tested items. However, the larger calculation scale requires a larger internal storage and it also requires a shorter time for calculation. The traditional time-domain finite-element method-tdfem fails to save time while the discontinuous Gakerkin method could solve this limitation effectively.

    DG time-domain finite element method is the combination of time-domain finite-element method-tdfem and discontinuous Gakerkin method and the new method could work out the mass matrix with block tridiagonal feature. The basis functions of regional interface is discontinuous when applying the DG time-domain finite element method and the numerical flux is implied to intensify the tangential continuity of electric and magnetic fields. In this paper, the DG time-domain finite element method is used to analyze the electric radiation characteristics of objects. For example, the HFSS software is implied to achieve the implement of DG time-domain finite element method when discussing the electromagnetic radiation and compare the experimental result with the one figured out with   traditional time-domain finite-element method-tdfem. Finally the example demonstrated the effectiveness and accuracy of DG  time-domain finite element method.

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