





    关键词  超材料 吸波材料 分形几何结构 频率选择表面 厘米波


    Title   The design of centimeter wave metamaterial absorber based on fractal structure                                                                   


    Metamaterial is a kind of artificial materials which performs some specific properties. Nature material rarely shows the properties found in metamaterial. These properties includes negative refraction effect, inverse Doppler effect and anomalous Cherenkov effect and so on. With these unique properties, metamaterial shows a great potential future application in electromagnetism, optics and some other scientific fields.

    The metamaterial absorber (MA), one of the applications stimulates a rising interest of researchers in the study of electromagnetic metamaterial. MA owns the capability of 100% perfect absorption of electromagnetic waves of specific frequency by adjusting the effective permittivity and permeability. In practical cases, there usually be some strict limits to the size of MA. Therefore, most MA usually works in the millimeter wave or optical band. 

    In recent years, researchers have tried to combine MA and fractal structure and achieved some remarkable progress. Fractal structure is famous due to its self-similar pattern and space-filling property. The MA based on fractal structure can decrease the resonant frequency significantly. In some conditions, the fractal structure could enable the MA to absorb centimeter wave even meter wave. In view of the specific feature of fractal structure, it can be a fantastic direction for the designing of multi-band and miniaturized MA.

    In the project, we firstly elaborate the origin and development of MA and theoretically analyzes the propagation characteristics in MA. Then we simulate traditional MA in the condition of normal incident wave by using CST MWS and calculate the effective permittivity and permeability with MATLAB.

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