    摘要:    DC-DC变换器是开关电源已广泛应用于交通、工业、航空航天的核心部分,能源和其他领域,如变频调速装置、电解电镀电源、感应加热电源、不间断电源、焊接电源。目前,光伏发电技术的出现和发展需要大量的逆变电路,以便将太阳能转换为直流电源,可以在日常生活中转换为交流电源。在直流/直流变换器的设计过程中,有很多的公式,在所有的公式和连接中,一些参数值一直是有限的,证实了需要不断调整的重复计算电路的参数计算是非常复杂的。随着电力技术和计算机应用的普及,计算机辅助设计电路的使用已成为电力领域的一个趋势,相关的设计工具的使用大大提高了电路设计的效率。41404
    毕业论文关键词:    DC-DC;变换;升压;降压;升降压
    Abstract: DC-DC converter is the core part of the switching power supply inverter has been widely used in transportation, industrial, aerospace, energy and other fields, such as frequency control device, electrolytic plating power supply, induction heating power supply, uninterruptible power supply, welding power source. And now the emerging and developing of photovoltaic power generation technology in China will need to use a large number of inverter circuit in order to convert the solar energy into the DC power can be converted into the daily life of the available AC power. In the design process of DC -DC converters, many formulas, among all the formulas and connections, the values of certain parameters has been limited, circuit parameters to determine the need to constantly adjust the repeated calculation, calculation is very complicated. With the power technology and the popularity of computer applications, the use of computer aided design circuit has become a trend in the field of power supply, the use of related design tools greatly improve the efficiency of the circuit design.
    The principle and classification of DC-DC converter is introduced, discussed three kinds of typical DC-DC conversion circuit is of buck converter, boost circuit and buck boost circuit principle, the structure and the voltage conversion relationship and in the PSIM software established simulation model of analysis to verify and the merits, and characteristics of the three kinds of DC-DC converter compared.
    Keywords:    DC-DC; Transform; Boost Voltage; Buck Voltage; Buck/Boost Voltage
    摘  要    
    1    绪论    1
    1.1研究背景    1
    1.2直流变换器辅助设计工具和开发平台分析    2
    1.3电力电子仿真概述    2
    1.3.1PSPICE 仿真    3
    1.3.2Saber 仿真软件    3
    1.3.3PLECS 仿真软件    4
    1.3.4PSIM 仿真软件    5
    1.3.5CASPOC 仿真软件    5
    1.3.6基于MATLAB的SIMULINK仿真软件    5
    1.4本文研究的主要内容    5
    2    直流变换器综述    7
    2.1BUCK直流变换器    7
    2.2BOOST 直流变换器    13
    2.3BUCK-BOOST直流变换器    17
    2.4本章小结    21
    3    PSIM软件及使用的基本方法的简介    22
    3.1PSIM软件特点    22
    3.2PSIM基本程序包    22
    3.3以BUCK电路为例PSIM设计过程    24
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