    关键词:直流电机   单片机  速度控制  PWM
    Title    The Design Of The Speed Control System About A Small DCmotor
    With our modern life becomes more and more mechanization and intelligent,the Automatic control system becomes widely used. the power of Automatic control system substantially comes from a DCmotor,Hence the DCmotor plays an important role in our modern life。Although the DCmotor has good speed performance, high starting torque ,strong overload capacity, and many other advantages,But in order to make better use of the DC motor, We also need to solve the problem of speed control.
    As the development of electronics technology and micro-control technology,using a microcontroller control the speed of the DCmotor becomes very important about the speed control system。As it has many advantages like small size,light,low price and control functions,flexible application,Microcontroller become a good choice about the speed control of DCmotor.
    In the system of DCmotor about speed control,The micro-controller unit plays an important role in generate the PWM signal and control the logic
    circuit. Due to low energy consumption and high efficiency,this technology turns to be a hot research.
    Keywords   DCmotor   micro-controller unit  speed control  PWM
    目    次
    1 绪论    1
    1.1 本课题的研究背景和意义    1
    1.2 直流电机调速系统的研究现状    2
    1.3 课题内容    3
    2 系统设计及其原理    4
    2.1 系统总体设计思路    4
    2.2 直流电机的调速方法    4
    2.3 PWM直流电机调速原理    5
    2.4 光电编码器测量电机转速原理    6
    2.5 所用芯片特性及管脚说明    6
    3 硬件模块设计    11
    3.1 输入电压值的显示电路    11
    3.2 直流电机驱动电路    12
    3.3 PWM 信号的产生电路    13
    4 原理图及程序设计    15
    4.1 直流电机调速系统的程序设计    15
    4.2 直流电机调速系统原理图    16
    5 仿真调试    17
    5.1 系统程序的仿真调试    17
    5.2 系统电路的仿真与调试    18
    结    论    19
    致    谢    20
    附录1    22
    1 绪论
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