    摘 要在高新技术迅速发展的今天,可靠性、高速性、全球性及稳定性一直都是人们对通信方面的要求。如今,具有频带利用率高、传输速率快以及抗干扰能力强等优点的第四代移动通信技术引起了普遍的关注。第四代无线通信技术的核心主要是OFDM技术,该技术原用于军事领域,后来由于结构的简化,才被相关研究者应用到通信领域。38501
    毕业论文关键词:OFDM  干扰  IFFT/FFT  Simulink  
    Abstract  With the rapid development of hi tech, reliability, high-speed, global and stability are always the people's demands on communication. Today, the fourth generation mobile communication technology has attracted the attention of the generation mobile communication technology, which has the advantages of high bandwidth utilization, fast transmission rate and strong anti-interference ability.. The core of the fourth generation wireless communication technology is OFDM technology, which is used in military field, and later due to the structure of the technology, it is related to the communication field.
    Although the OFDM technology has many advantages, but the implementation of the system, there are still some defects. To address these issues, researchers have found a solution to the problem. In recent years, the experts will be combination of OFDM technology and other technologies, resulting in a lot of new technology, the technology has all the advantages of OFDM, and other advantages, the technology realization to various fields to provide a great convenience. The pace of technological research will never stop, and in the future, OFDM technology will become more perfect.
    Firstly, research background of OFDM, domestic and international development situation and its characteristics are presented. Secondly, detailed describes the main idea and basic principle of OFDM, and the use of IFFT / FFT OFDM system model with simple structure is designed, in addition to from the perspective of spectrum analyzed the orthogonality of OFDM system sub-carrier. In order to solve the problems in the system, two channel estimation algorithms are proposed.. Finally, after modeling the Simulink communication system, the simulation of OFDM is finished.
    Keywords: OFDM  interference  Simulink  IFFT/FFT
    目 录
    摘 要    I
    Abstract    II
    1 绪论    1
    1.1 引言    1
    1.2 研究的背景和意义    3
    1.3 国内外的发展状况    4
    1.4 本文的安排    4
    1.5 本章小结    5
    2 OFDM的原理和性能    6
    2.1 OFDM的基本原理    6
    2.2 OFDM的IFFT/FFT实现    10
    2.3 典型的OFDM系统干扰的分析    11
    2.3.1 典型的OFDM系统    11
    2.3.2 子信道干扰的来源    12
    2.4 OFDM技术的优缺点    13
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