    摘要:    分析γ能谱获知放射性核素的种类和活度,成为放射性核素分析的主要方法之一。随着电子工业和材料科学的发展,采集的γ能谱越来越复杂,加上人们对核素分析的复杂度、精确度及方便快捷性要求的提高,借助于计算机的自动能谱分析技术成为必要。而基于QT的谱分析软件由于其适用于多种平台更加备受青睐。
    本项目通过C++编写出基于QT的谱数据采集软件,从伽玛能谱仪测量所需要的功能出发,将软件按功能模块分为了751大模块:文件操作、数据采集、谱线分析、能量刻度、仪器标定和帮助。在数据采集模块,设计了串口通信模式供分析人员使用。在谱线光滑方面,设计了算术平滑算法、最小二乘算法、重心法对数据进行平滑,并且设计了平滑区域选择,平滑次数选择以及1、3、5、7、9、11、13、15的平滑因子选择项,以方便分析人员根据谱线的实际形态进行选择,增加分析数据的准确性;在寻峰方面,采用了对称零面积变换法, 能比较准确的实现谱峰的寻找。在能量刻度方面,采用最小二乘拟合法来进行拟合,能够比较准确的实现能量刻度。文章最后对已完成的工作做了总结,指出了其中存在的不足。产品需要在实际应用中不断提出问题并加以完善。
    毕业论文关键词:    QT;qwt;核谱数据采集
    The Design of Spectrum Data Acquisition Software based on QT
    Abstract:     Analysis of gamma energy spectrum analysis of radioactive nuclide types and activity, become one of the main methods of radioactive nuclide analysis. With the development of electronic industry and materials science, collection of gamma energy spectrum is more and more complex, and the analysis of nuclide the complexity of the improvement of speed, accuracy and convenience, with the help of the computer automatic spectrum analysis technology is necessary. The spectral analysis software based on QT more popular due to its applicable to a variety of platforms.
    This project by c + + write a spectrum analysis software based on QT, starting from the features of gamma spectrometer measuring need, the software according to the function module is pided into six modules: file operation, data acquisition, spectrum analysis, the energy calibration, instrument calibration, and help. In the data acquisition module, design the serial and USB communication mode for analysts to choose from. Reproduction lines smooth, the smoothing algorithm, designed the arithmetic method of least squares algorithm, center of gravity data smoothly, to choose and design the smooth area, smooth frequency selection and 1, 3, 5, 7, 9, 11, 13, 15 smoothing factor options, to facilitate analysis personnel to undertake choosing according to the actual shape of the spectral lines, increase the accuracy of the data analysis. In terms of seeking peak, adopted the symmetric zero area transformation method, can achieve more accurate spectral peak searching. In the aspect of energy scale, using the least squares fitting to fitting, can achieve more accurate power calibration. The paper made a summary of completed work, pointed out that there are insufficient. Products need to continuously put forward problems in practical application and perfect.
    Keywords:    QT;qwt;spectrum analysis
    摘要    ii
    Abstract    i
    1 绪论    6
    1.1 课题背景和意义    6
    1.2 研究状况    7
    1.3 课题的主要研究工作    7
    1.4 本章小结    8
    2 伽马能谱测量分析的理论基础    9
    2.1 核谱数据测量工作原理    9
    2.2 伽马能谱的构成    9
    2.3 本章小结    11
    3 用户应用程序开发及开发环境配置    12
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