    关键词  故障检测仪  ARM  显控终端
    Title    Software design of circuit board fault detection device
    An automatic fault detection device on circuit board is designed to repair some kind of circuit board, Nine kinds of circuit boards’ faulty can be detected and the fault information of circuit board can be given. The software design of circuit board fault   detection is mainly studied in this paper, including the ARM part and the software design of display and control terminal part. The start and interrupt of the AT91SAM9G20, network port driver, serial port driver and the main test program are mainly discussed in the program design of ARM part. The design of terminal interface, program design of communication module, data acquisition card modules and program design of main test program are included in the software design of the display and control terminal part. On the existing hardware platform, detection of nine kinds of circuit boards is completed by the ARM part and the display and control Terminal software. The design requirements are reached.
    Keywords  Circuit board fault detection device  ARM  Display and control terminal
     目   次  
    1  引言(或绪论)1
    1.1    研究背景1
    1.2    检测仪总体设计 1
    1.3 论文内容及章节安排  2
    2  ARM程序设计3
    2.1  ARM程序概述3
    2.2  信号产生单元组成   5
    2.3 AT91SAM9G20的启动和中断7
    2.4 DM9161网口程序计  8
    2.5 串口程序计   16
    2.6主程序流程 18
    3  终端软件程序设计  20
    3.1 软件终端界面开发模板MFC  31
    3.2 软件终端界面 23
    3.3 数据采集卡程序设计 27
    3.4 网络通信模块程序设计 30
    3.5 终端软件程序工作流程 31
    4  程序测试35
    结论   39
    致谢   40
    参考文献 41
    1    序言
    1.1 研究背景
  1. 上一篇:ARM嵌入式系统的数据采集传输系统研究+源程序
  2. 下一篇:有限元方法在波导计算的应用仿真
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