    关键词  频域光学相干层析术 成像原理 手持式 运动补偿     
    Title   Study of hand-held frequency domain optical  coherence tomography                                
    Optical coherence tomography,as one of the evolution of optical low-coherent interferometry,has been gradually applied in the field of clinical medicine in recent years because of its high resolution,high resolution and real time imaging capability. Nowadays,there are two main development directions in OCT.One is transition from the time-domain optical coherence tomography(TDOCT) to the spectral domain(SDOCT) because the SDOCT has much higher imaging speed and sensitivity. Another development is from the large table-type optical coherence tomography systems to the hand-held type systems.Compared with the traditional type,hand-held OCT can reach some narrow corners of humans,which shows its remarkable convenience in the clinical medicine. In this paper,the imaging theory of FDOCT and its advantages and disadvantages in comparison to TDOCT are discussed.The scanning methods and the problems for hand-held OCT are analyzed. A hand-held OCT experiment device was then established and the optical imgaes of human finger were obtained. Finally a soft ware was written to solve the ‘motion compensation’problem.
    Keywords  time-domain optical coherence tomography    imaging theory    hand-held OCT    motion compensation
    1  引言(或绪论) 1
    1.1 研究背景  1
    1.2 本课题研究内容  3
    2  光学相干层析术 4
    2.1 低相干干涉技术 4
    2.2 时域光学相干层析术 5
    2.3 频域光学相干层析术 5
    3 手持式OCT9
    3.1 OCT扫描方式   9
    3.2 手持OCT的横向扫描   10
    4  手持式OCT优势、存在的问题及解决方案 14
    4.1 手持式OCT的优势  14
    4.2 手持式OCT存在的问题  14
    4.3 运动补偿 14
    4.4 编程实现运动补偿的方案  15
    5 试验系统搭建与结果处理  17
    5.1 实验设备 17
    5.2 实验成像结果  18
    5.3 运动补偿结果  19
    5.4 问题分析  21
    结论  22
    致谢  23
    附录A 图像生成以及运动补偿matlab程序  26
    1  绪论
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