    毕业论文关键词: 列车称重;超偏载;传感器
    Design and data processing of train weighing monitoring system
    Abstract: Load running safety of train is a direct threat, if the train is long time overloaded or unbalance loading condition, the wheels and the shaft of the train will be at risk due to the uneven force. We must strengthen the monitoring work load of train, so it is very necessary to research the train weighing monitoring system. This paper introduces the design of a train weighing monitoring system, this system mainly through the sensor get the original measurement information of the train, it is using the wavelet decomposition and reconstruction process to get the measurement data needed. The system is using the dynamic track scale principle, weighing sensor principle, the principle of dynamic electronic weighing instrument and the methods of signal processing. Through the analysis of weighing system has characteristics of signal detection, and the application of wavelet in signal preprocessing detection. This paper selected the overall architecture of weighing monitoring system, the hardware and software scheme feasible was determined, and the simulation based on the MATLAB platform.
    Keywords:train weighing;overload and unbalance loading;load cell
    目  录
    1 绪论    1
    1.1 论文选题的目的和意义    1
    1.2 国内外列车称重监测系统的发展现状    1
    1.2.1 国内外发展现状与水平    1
    1.2.2 列车称重监测系统发展状况    2
    1.2.3 称重算法研究现状    2
    1.2.4 发展趋势    4
    1.3 本论文的研究内容    4
    2 列车称重监测系统的总体架构分析    4
    2.1 转向架架构以及作用    5
    2.2 称重监测系统整体架构    6
    2.3 称重监测系统的软硬件    8
    2.3.1 硬件结构    8
    2.3.2 称重传感器    10
    2.3.3 线性放大器    12
    2.3.4 软件结构    13
    3 列车称重监测信号的分析    14
    3.1 振动信号的平滑处理方法    14
    3.1.1 直线滑动平均法    15
    3.1.2 五点三次平滑算法    16
    3.2 小波变换    17
    3.2.1 小波分解与重构    18
    3.2.2 小波降噪    19
    3.2.3 小波分解与重构运用    20
    4 列车称重监测系统信号数据处理及程序分析    20
    4.1 称重过程受力分析    20
    4.2 仿真过程分析以及程序图    22
    4.2.1 轮轴称重    22
    4.2.2 小波的分解和重构    25
    4.2.3 基于matlab的五点三次平滑算法    27
    5 总结与展望    30
    致谢    31
    参考文献    32
    附录1:列车称重程序平滑算法处理    33
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