    关键词  疵病图像  仿形拼接  程序仿真
    Title  Principle research of defect surface image’s  copying mosaic                                                   
    Super-smooth surface components have a very wide range of applications in many areas of electronic engineering technology and optics technology. Those areas mainly based in large scale integrated circuit substrates, shimmer devices or laser cavity devices. The surface quality of these components will have a huge impact on the whole system. Generally these components need to perform wavefront distortion and roughness detection to eliminate interference, and scratch, pitting, scratches and other surface flaws on the surface of the components will cause incident light occurs varying degrees of scattering. So for super-smooth component surface’s flaws have a great need to identify and mark. Using optical microscopy scatter dark field imaging techniques can get images of component surface. However, due to the accuracy and resolution requirement, CCD target surface can not cover the entire component surface, a lot of pieces of flaw images with overlap region can be get, then copying mosaic these images, get a complete picture of surface flaws. This article is mosaic multiple image with overlap regions, using Matlab software simulate mosaic process and try to make computing faster, mosaic better.
    Keywords  flaws image   Copying mosaic   Simulation
    1. 绪论    5
    1.1  课题来源及研究背景    5
    1.2  图像拼接技术的研究背景及研究现状    6
    1.3  本文的主要工作    7
    2. 仿形拼接的原理和算法    9
    2.1  仿形拼接的基本原理    9
    2.1.1  仿形拼接的总体思想    9
    2.1.2  仿形拼接的实现方法    10
    2.2  仿形拼接的算法    11
    2.2.1  图像匹配算法    11
    2.2.2  求解变换矩阵    14
    3. 程序主要步骤及Matlab仿真结果    16
    3.1  实现仿形拼接的主要步骤    16
    3.1.1  特征点检测匹配    16
    3.1.2  得到变换矩阵    17
    3.1.3  仿形拼接    17
    3.1.4  主函数(实现任意幅图像拼接)    18
    3.2  无伸缩变形情况下拼接的Matlab仿真结果    19
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