    从实际应用的角度出发,将梯形成形滤波器进行模块化设计,使设计更有利于可编程逻辑器件的实现,使其可以简单灵活的调节梯形形状以适应不同的工作环境。利用Quartus II软件对设计进行原理仿真,验证了模块化设计的正确性,并通过加入高斯白噪声的方法讨论其滤波特性。使用FPGA配合嵌入式逻辑分析仪给出梯形成形滤波器的硬件实现及仿真,验证了系统设计的正确性。
    毕业论文关键词:梯形成形滤波;数字化多道脉冲幅度分析仪;延迟可调;FPGA;Quartus II
    Research and design of the pulse signal of the algorithm 
    Abstract: in twentieth Century, since 90 time, the multi-channel pulse amplitude analysis toward digital direction. Trapezoidal shaping is an important method for digital nuclear pulse signal filtering process. Analog filter it not only can replace the complex forming circuit, improve the system stability, but also to improve the system flexibility and adaptability, in digital multi-channel spectrometer has been applied in study of.
    In order to develop the domestic digital multi-channel analyzer, it can meet the requirements of energy resolution and pulse rate by application using the trapezoidal shaping technology. Then the digital trapezoidal shaping filter is introduced in digital multi-channel pulse analyzer in the derivation process of the application, the Z transform method, and through the Fu Liye transform and discuss its filtering function.
     From a practical point of view, the trapezoidal shaping filter for modular design, make the design more conducive to the realization of programmable logic device, so that it can be simple and flexible adjustment of trapezoidal shape to adapt to different working environments. The principle of design of simulation using Quartus II software, verified the correctness of modular design, and through the method of adding white Gauss noise and discuss its filtering characteristics. Design and Simulation of embedded logic analyzer is given with the use of FPGA ladder forming filter hardware, verify the correctness of system design.
    Keywords: trapezoidal shaping filter; digital multi-channel pulse amplitude analyzer; delay adjustable; FPGA; Quartus II
     目   录
    1 绪论    1
    1.1 选题依据及研究意义    1
    1.2 研究现状    2
    1.2.1 研究和发展的沿革    2
    1.2.2国际研究状况    2
    1.2.3国内研究情况    3
    1.3研究方法和技术路线    3
    1.3.1 分析传统模拟核能谱测量系统的相关问题    4
    1.3.2了解数字信号处理,分析梯形成形算法    4
    1.3.3开发工具的建立    5
    1.3.4数字核信号处理的算法研究    5
    1.3.5系统组成的方法    5
    1.4论文主要工作内容和创新点    6
    1.4.1工作内容    6
    1.4.2主要创新点    6
    1.5论文章节安排    6
    1.6 本章小结    6
    2 数字梯形成形滤波器的模块化设计    7
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