    关键词  玻璃啤酒瓶  成像系统  图像处理  图像识别 
    Title    The defect detection of work based on CCD                                                
    With the development of the beer industry, security issues of beer glass bottle production and recycling have also become a focus of concern. With the rapid development of the CCD industry, imaging device consisting of a charge-coupled device also becomes the core of quick inspection. Image processing techniques contributes to the possibility of rapid defects detection based on CCD. The thesis designed a way of  quick inspection for glass beer bottle - CCD-based artifacts defect detection devices. First studied the process of image acquisition , image processing and image recognition. By designing a rational and effective imaging system to achieve access to images based on CCD for the realization of beer bottles automated testing; through image processing techniques of image filtering, binarization, edge detection, it obtains a digital image of beer bottles’ defect .On the basis of the defect characterized by a beer bottle ,it recognizes image. Achieving a quick detection of beer bottle defect efficiently improves the detection efficiency and effectiveness, with some practical significance.
    Keywords   Glass beer bottle  Imaging systems  Imaging processing  Imaging recognition
    目  次
    1    绪论    1
    1.1    引言    1
    1.2    本课题研究意义    1
    1.3    本课题研究背景及现状    1
    1.4    本文内容安排和研究内容    2
    2    成像系统的设计研究    3
    2.1  图像处理系统的组成    3
    2.2  玻璃啤酒瓶常见缺陷及其影响    3
    2.3  玻璃啤酒瓶的光学特征    4
    2.4  成像系统的设计    5
    3    图像处理的研究    7
    3.1  图像处理的基本流程    7
    3.2  图像滤波    7
    3.3  二值化    7
    3.4  边缘检测    8
    3.5  图像的差影法    9
    3.6  腐蚀与膨胀    9
    3.7  图像测量以及对于不同缺陷的识别    10
    4    软件开发与分析    11
    结  论    16
    致  谢    17
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