    摘要随着“一表一户”政策的普及以及计算机技术的发展,传统的人工抄表形式在效率以及准确率上都不再适合电力行业的大幅进步,于是计算机智能抄表技术应用而生。随着数字图像处理技术的发展,数字图像处理技术被运用到电能表自动抄表系统中,在电能表的图像识别技术中,图像分割起着举足轻重的作用。本论文在对非均匀光照条件下电能表图像的分割技术展开深入研究,利用数字图像处理技术并结合电能表图像特征解决非均匀光照对电能表图像分割的干扰,并实现电能表中有用信息的定位与分割问题。 论文的主要工作如下:
    Title:Research under non-uniform illumination conditions meter image segmentation
    With the popularity of one family one electric meter policy and development of computer technology ,The traditional form of manual meter reading on the efficiency and accuracy are no longer suitable for substantial progress in the power sector,So smart metering technology computer generated .With the development of digital image processing technology , digital image processing technology is used to meter the automatic meter reading system,In the energy meter image recognition technology , image segmentation plays an important role .This paper seeks to non-uniform illumination conditions meter depth image segmentation technology research , using digital image processing technology combined with meter image features to solve the non-uniform illumination interference meter image segmentation and useful information to achieve energy meter positioning and segmentation .The main work is as follows :
    (1)meter image preprocessing .First, the gray-scale processing power meter , then remove the meter outside the border.Then smooth the image using median filter to reduce noise on the image.Then extracted using Sobel edge detection level of the G component image edge detection ,Finally, based on Hough Transform area features tilt correction . Preprocessing meter image.
    (2)the meter image of several commonly used binarization method and compared. Mathematical expectation method, global threshold, local threshold method for pre-processing after the meter image binarization . The binarized image obtained by comparison.
    Based on the use of an improved method for the mean and variance of the binary image of the meter binarization . The image and the image obtained with the comparison. Treatment with C + + Builder software. Comparing the approach to the time required for image concluded .
    Keywords: image preprocessing , binary , digital image processing

    Abstract    - 3 -
    1绪论    - 5 -
    1.1课题背景及意义    - 5 -
    1.2数字图像处理与识别技术的研究现状    - 6 -
    1.3本文主要研究内容与各章节安排    - 7 -
    2电表图像预处理    - 8 -
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