
    摘 要:目的:为了了解淮安市幼儿立定跳远成绩及其影响因素,为今后进行淮安市幼儿下肢力量的研究提供数据和帮助。为影响幼儿立定跳远成绩因素的分析提供科学的资料支持。方法:采用文献资料法、问卷调查法、访谈法和数理统计等方法,对2010年与2014年淮安市3-6岁幼儿立定跳远的成绩进行比较分析,结果显示:淮安市大多数组别幼儿立定跳远成绩均值2010年与2014年比较有显著性差异。结论:1)随着营养水平的改善、体育锻炼时间的增加和锻炼水平的提高,淮安市幼儿的立定跳远成绩总体呈上升趋势,特别是5岁和6岁的幼儿,上升幅度更为明显,但标准差也显著增加,表明各个家庭对于幼儿的教育存在很大的差异;2)随着幼儿园管理更加规范,各个幼儿园的活动场所和体育设施有了明显的改善,师资力量得到显著提高,幼儿的锻炼质量提高明显,促进了他们立定跳远成绩的提高,尤其是本来师资、设施比较薄弱的乡村幼儿园,进步幅度更加明显;3)由于受到教育投入程度、教学质量上的差距、生活方式的差异等各方面因素的影响,幼儿立定跳远成绩“城镇高于乡村、男生高于女生”的局面没有发生明显的改变。66813


    Abstract:Objective: Through using the method of literature consultation, questionnaire, specialist interview and mathematical statistics, the testing result of standing long jump of 3-6 years old in Huaian were compared and analyzed in 2010 and 2014. The results showed that the most indicators of standing long jump of 3-6 years old in 2010 compared with 2014 have mean significant difference(P<0.05); conclusion:1)with the improvement of the nutrition level, time and quality of physical exercise, the testing results of standing long jump of 3-6 years old in Huaian have raised as a whole, especially in 5-6 years old; 2) with management becoming more standardized, activities and sports facilities of the kindergarten have improved obviously, therefore, improving the testing results of standing long jump of 3-6 years old in Huaian; 3) as to lifestyle changes , teaching differences and other factors, the testing results of standing long jump of 3-6 years old in Huaian show continuously the trend that town is higher than the countryside and boys is higher than girls.

    Keywords:Huaian , infant, standing long jump, comparison, differences

    目 录

    1  前言…4

    2  研究对象与方法4

    2.1  研究对象…4

    2.2  研究方法…5

    2.2.1  文献资料法5

       2.2.2  问卷调查法5

    2.2.3  访谈法…5

       2.2.4  数理统计法5

    3  研究结果与分析6

    3.1  2010年与2014年淮安市3岁幼儿立定跳远成绩的比较…6

    3.2  2010年与2014年淮安市4岁幼儿立定跳远成绩的比较…7

       3.3  2010年与2014年淮安市5岁幼儿立定跳远成绩的比较…9

    3.4  2010年与2014年淮安市6岁幼儿立定跳远成绩的比较10





    1  前言


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