

    毕业论文关键词:健身俱乐部  私人教练  现状发展

    Abstract: This text USES the method of documents and materials, questionnaire survey, mathematical statistics, logic analysis of huaian some private coach training development were investigated and found that: huaian fitness personal trainer on the whole, tend to be younger age structure experience experience and professional knowledge level remains to be improved; Social training market jumbly, qualification certification chaos; Personal trainer career development lack of policies and regulations support and so on. And put forward the following Suggestions: combined with physical education in colleges and universities, joint training personal trainer; National unity to establish personal trainer vocational qualification certification of authority; Perfect evaluation system and exam standards; As soon as possible establish huaian fitness personal trainer industry association. 

    Keywords: Health club   Private coach   The current situation of the development of



    1前言…………………………………………………………………………… ………………6

    2研究对象与方法 6

    2.1研究对象 6

    2.2研究方法 6

    2.2.1文献资料法 6

    2.2.2问卷调查法 6

    2.2.3数理统计法 6

    2.2.4逻辑分析法 7

    3研究结果与分析 7

    3.1淮安市健身私人教练行业的发展现状 7

    3.1.1健身私人教练的教育程度现状 7

    3.1.2健身私人教练性别与年龄状况 7

    3.1.3私人教练从业经验 8

    3.1.4职业资格认证调查 8

    3.2淮安市私人教练行业发展过程中出现的主要问题 9

    3.2.1从业经历经验不足 9

    3.2.2私人教练对职业定位存在偏差 9

    3.2.3私人教练培训机构混乱 9

    3.2.4私人教练基本素质能力偏低 9

    3.3原因分析 10

    3.3.1对行业认识不够深刻 10

    3.3.2培养体系不健全 10

    3.3.3健身俱乐部管理不当 10


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