
    摘  要:高校网球社团是高校体育社团中的重要组成部分,当前我国阳光体育的开展以及高校教育改革的深入为高校网球社团提供了良好的发展环境。高校网球社团对网球文化的传播以及终身体育理念的培养具有很大的推动作用。本文采用文献资料法、访谈法、问卷调查法、数理统计法、逻辑分析法等研究方法,通过对淮安市5所高校的大学生网球社团进行调查研究,调查结果表明淮安市大学生社团现状和主要问题包括:一、大学生网球社团缺乏资金保障,场地和器材难以得到保障。二、高校学生参加网球社团次数少,且时间不固定,比较随意。三、高校网球社团缺乏组织裁判学习,欣赏比赛和对外竞赛交流等相关内容。四、高校网球社团缺乏专业的网球教师,且教师队伍较为年轻、专业业务水平低。五、高校网球社团资金来源主要是会员缴纳的会费和学校的资金扶持,渠道过于单一。所以本文对以上网球社团开展现状中暴露出的问题进行分析,并探索高校网球社团发展的策略对进一步推动高校网球社团的可持续发展以及充分发挥出高校网球社团在高校文化建设以及学生素质发展方面的积极作用具有重要的意义。65671


    Abstract:College tennis association is an important part of college sports clubs, and the current our country the development of sunshine sports and the deepening of education reform in colleges and universities for the development of college tennis club provides a good environment. The spread of college tennis club of tennis culture and the cultivation of lifelong sports concept has a great role in promoting. This article USES the literature material method, interview method, questionnaire survey method, mathematical statistics, logic analysis, based on the huaian five college students tennis association study, the results of the survey show that huaian college society situation and the main problems include: first, college students tennis club lack of funding, venues and equipment is difficult to secure. Second, the fewer college students to participate in the tennis club, and the hours are not fixed, more casual. Three, lack of college tennis club organization referee study, enjoy the game and foreign competition communication and related content. Four, college tennis community lack of professional teachers, and teachers' low level of younger, professional business. Five, the university tennis club sources mainly members pay membership fees and school funding support, channel is too single. So in this paper, the problems exposed in the tennis club to carry out the status quo of the above analysis, and explore the development of college tennis club strategy to further promote the sustainable development of college tennis club and give full play to the tennis club in university culture construction of colleges and universities as well as the positive role of students' quality development has the vital significance.

    Key words:university,tennis club,the status quo,strategy 

    目  录

    1 前言……………………………………………………………………………4

    2 研究对象和方法………………………………………………………………4

    2.1 研究对象……………………………………………………………………4

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